The world is much bigger than Ukraine. NATO also stuck its nose in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and as a direct result it ran into problems protecting shipping through the Red See and the Suez Canal. While they are still planning to provoke a military conflict between the Chinese province of Taiwan and 'Mainland China'. In all these conflicts diplomacy failed, wasn't even tried, or rejected up-front by the NATO-aligned countries and separatist movements serving as 'proxies'. Worse, certainly, and demonstrably, in this case of Ukraine, NATO is not abiding by the results of treaties, agreements, or contracts, let alone words of honour, their signatures, or any kind of law.
This is their 'Rules Based World'.
If a country decides it had enough, it will have to go to war. There is no other option left. You cannot send someone to solve the issue, returning from the negotiations with a 'Peace in Our Time' piece of paper, only to be sold down the line and stabbed in the back a little later. Now, that reference we all remember well from the run up to WW-II. The story we are told, is that of those treacherous Germans who stabbed those galant Brits in the back as Germany invaded Poland and struck a deal with the Soviets, correct? Wrong. The real story is that the British bankers paid for the rise of Hitler to prominence, over objections from the French, thinking Hitler would be useful to conquer Russia, while exhausting themselves in the proces, with the British colonisers right behind them to loot the country, and subdue the Germans if they might get any ideas about competing with the 'Empire'.
The British looked the other way as Hitler merged Germany with Austria, and invaded the Czech Republic, and they didn't give a hoot about Poland either, which had been run by a fascist dictator who was friendly with Hitler, save for the status of Gdansk as we know it today, a German enclave surrounded by Polish territory. But all the alarm bells went off simultaneously when the world learned about the Molotov-von Ribbentrop pact. Before the war, the Soviets incessantly petitioned both the French and the British to stop Hitler in his tracks, but 'Perfidious Albion' had this Mackinder concept of the 'Heartland' that would establish them as rulers of the World, and they stuck to the plan. However, Hitler striking a deal with the Soviets was not part of the plan at all, so they were forced to go to war.
Hitler had a plan of his own, which included working with the Brits, if he could find a way to prevent being left holding the short end of the stick, and being stabbed in the back. Going to war with the Soviet Union was in the planning, but only when the time was right. Which was after he secured 'Mainland Europe' through a 'Blitzkrieg' which saw the British 'swimming' across the channel from France to save their ass. Before launching 'Operation Barbarossa' against the Soviet Union in 1941, they sent Rudolf Hess as an emissary to Britain, hoping to make the British understand that Germany was actually still their friend and ally. But that failed, and after the war that little episode was buried as an attempt from a deranged Nazi, acting alone. But Hitler wanted to restore the bond he had with his British friends before the war, and go after the Soviet Union together. Imagine what that would have caused!
How much the British wanted to take Russia became crystal clear when, many years after the war, it was revealed that Churchill had been busy pushing this plan to strike their Russian allies the moment Germany would have capitulated. 'Perfidious Albion', indeed. But Roosevelt was not interested, and by the time he died, and Truman replaced him, Churchill had been defeated at elections won by the socialists. The people had seen enough war, but the 'Banker Class', the true 'Imperialists', the 'Elite', wanted all that wealth Russia possessed for themselves.
If you missed that part of our recent history, thinking the Soviet Union was a threat to us, instead of the other way around, you are probably forgiven for being anxious today about Putin conquering Europe. You were kept in the dark, eating 'Ze Bugs', and perfectly happy with empty promises, while our NATO-masters of today planned another assault, for which they needed a 'corrected' Ukraine, happy to serve as bait. Which they arranged in 2014 as Victoria 'Fuck the EU' Nuland imposed a 'Regime Change' on the country, installing NATO-friendly political leaders in what was left of the country as Crimea escaped, and the Donbas won a civil war to provide it with some form of independence. I do not know if NATO will, somehow, succeed in the end, but from what I'm seeing I'd say that has become impossible already. And it is not merely Russia's unexpected military might, and 'Smart Ass' strategy, but a world-wide movement pushing back. This push back is uniting anti-colonial individuals and post-colonial countries, irrespective of culture, religion or ideology, done with 'Empire' and 'Globalism', or anything 'Rule Based' and decadent. Even former Ukraine's former Intelligence Officer
There is no emerging common denominator, like a religion, or an ideology, or a single party, or spellbinding vision behind it. Just the collective idea that we've seen enough of this 'Old School Power Politics' and these corrupt practices driven by a desire to create, or promote an elite to rule the world down to the basic level. Thus this is not a powerful revolutionary movement with positive ideas of how to improve things for future generations, although there is a general feeling that we need to return to 'respectability', honouring our word and signature, equal opportunities for all, and a common decency agreed within the confines of a country's borders, enforced by laws applicable to all citizens equally. It is my hope that we will see a breakthrough in 2024 towards something better than 'Perfidious Scheming' and playing our fellow men like a fiddle to reach the top. We need to stick together to make it work, or we'll all be toast when the afterbirth of Dr.Strangelove in our midst is being given half a chance.