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Take your time and think things through

A dialogue depends on ‘back-and-forth’. You exchange facts, arguments, points of view, looking for solutions to conflicts before violent acts are making it next to impossible to find a way out, and restore the peace. That was why we needed diplomats. Remember? And ‘weapons inspectors’. Well, one of those, Scott Ritter, treated like dirt after he warned the world there were no ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ left in Iraq, and that it was a scam, just showed up addressing 25.000 Chechen warriors, fed up with ‘us’ as a collective, for betraying him, a proud US Marine, and he told these Chechens that he was sure they would emerge victorious from this battle with NATO’s proxy forces in Ukraine. 


He hasn’t been the most useful analyst of the war, predicting sweeping Russian advances, brushing the Ukrainian Army aside, while Putin had a different plan. He wanted to exhaust the Ukrainian Army, and NATO, in a ‘War of Attrition’, and he most certainly didn’t want to be caught in a similar trap to the one which undid the USSR in Afghanistan, defeated by a bunch of ‘Rag Heads’ named ‘Al Qaeda’, armed and coached by Uncle Sam. Territorial gains had to be limited to those parts of Ukraine which could be trusted to side with the Russians, eager themselves to hunt the ‘nazis’ put in place by Victoria Nuland back in 2014. And don’t say it isn’t so. HERE


So, did Scott Ritter betray his country? Well, first of all, his country is denying that it is at war with Russia. Which is a lie, as we all know. But they don’t want to ‘test’ Russia’s hypersonic nuclear capabilities, and subs with hypersonic missiles targeting their aircraft carriers yet. And I would strongly advise them against it, but the ‘Warparty’ candidates Joe Biden and Nikki Haley are on a roll. So who knows? In Ritter’s own perception he did not only not betray his country, and technically he didn’t, considering himself to be one of the last ones serving it. Saving it from falling prey to corporate greed, embedded ‘nazis’, and globalist schemers. No doubt he is not alone in that once formidable beacon of democracy and classic freedom, defending ‘Free Markets’ to grow wealth. 


Now, why would Kadyrov opt for allowing Ritter to speak to his elite troops, known for their military prowess all over the world. Muslims, but different from the Chechens we support, who joined ISIS, now holed up in Idlib, Syria, with no place to go, save for Europe as refugees. We can’t be sure, but I guess Putin gave the nod, because there is going to be a new phase in the war. Signaling to the Americans who are uncomfortable with the war in Ukraine, as their own country is being overrun by refugees, drained, and they themselves are scrambling to make ends meet, that they need to shelve this desire to ‘own’ the world, and make peace. While Russia advances to finish what they came to Ukraine for in the first place, and leaving the west with the remnants of the country they wanted to conquer through regime change in 2014, as well as all the debt and destruction. 


Militarily Ukraine is running on empty. No more soldiers, no useful equipment, no ammunition, and tensions between the political and military leadership, as well as between ‘Kiev’ and its NATO backers, who may have some money left, somewhere, if they find a way to go around Europe’s own legal framework, shoving Hungary aside, but there will still not be any new equipment, abundant shipments of ammunition, or anything approaching well trained troops. The ‘NATO experts’ which took us here, are all over ‘X’ pleading for long range missiles to ‘harm Russia’ as a final play. Both Russia and Ukraine recently ‘tested’ the air defense systems of the other party, and according to reports I read, the Russians destroyed several systems defending Kiev, striking a warehouse with Patriot missiles to boot, while multiple western sources are reporting that the US has no more Patriot missiles to offer. The Ukrainian ‘swarms’ fired at Crimea mainly, appear to announce the arrival of long-range missiles to hit Russia itself soon, but I wonder if that is going to catch the Russians with their pants down. While the recent daylight attack on military targets in and around Kiev suggest that the Russians are confident that they can hit what they want to hit, when they want to hit it. Daylight also assured that the workers and staff at those military plants hit would be present, and reducing the ‘skilled workforce’, engineers and management was a bonus. 


Since Kadyrov recently said that Russia would wrap it up soon, this situation does look like an ‘end game’ scenario, and no western money can buy the Ukrainians sufficient time. In other words, Putin is not going to wait for the American elections, those in Russia, or more political turmoil in Europe, and F-16’s to arrive on the scene. But he isn’t going to invade Poland, or any of the Baltic midgets next, despite claims to the contrary emerging from traditionally unreliable sources like Nikki Haley, or Michael McFaul, who really screwed up. One  pony-tailed ‘woke’ Dutch blogger cheering for nuclear war with Russia repeating Haley’s claims, who I asked for proof that Putin really said he would go after Poland and the Baltic states next, pointed me to a Sky-News clip showing the Russian president at a ceremony for smart children, where he asked one boy a trick question. ‘Where does the Russian border end?’ The boy answered that it had to be at the tip of the Aleutian Islands, opposite Alaska. And Putin responded, with a big smile: ‘The Russian border doesn’t end.Way too complicated to understand for the average cheerleader for more war, but no border has a beginning, or an end. Yet they ‘understood’ it as a desire to expand Russia. If only our educational system would teach youngsters to read and write, and the basics of math, physics and history, instead of ‘gender-things’, proper pronouns, and how we need to welcome the descendants of ‘slaves’, who lived for generations on the African continent and South America, and only recently took George Soros’ up on his offer to bring them to Europe and the US. 


Having a dialogue with those people is completely useless. They are more thoroughly brainwashed than those POW’s who rejected to return to the US from North Korea back in the fifties, converting to communism, and embarrassing their former country with tales about war-crimes. It may be tempting to say that it sounds very much like Scott Ritter, but I beg to differ. Though people who invited him on their platform as a guest will be squeezed by their ‘Warparty’ adversaries. Use your brains as you think about it, because these things are complicated. Are you with the ‘Founding Fathers’? Or Joe Biden and Nikki Haley?

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