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Regaining control over the drones

An increasing number of western ‘experts’ are warning that war with Russia is around the corner. More than just a few of them insist that they predicted this, but that their warnings fell on ‘deaf ears’. But save for the odd exception, one or two truly die-hard ‘Cold Warriors’ who never got the message that the Soviet-Union collapsed, and fell apart, thinking Russia is still a ‘communist dictatorship’ without even bothering to look into it, none of them did. In fact, it was Putin who warned us at the Munich Security Conference in 2007 that this drive to expand NATO, despite promises that it wouldn’t, might end in war if we did not engage in urgent talks about a binding European Security Architecture. But we were not informed about it, unless you happened to take a peek at the ‘alternative media’ every once in awhile. 


The media ‘experts’ and politicians didn’t bother, because not a single ‘expert’ took Putin seriously. To the last man, and woman, they were convinced that NATO would simply *crush* Russia, a ‘Gas Station Posing as a Country’, stripped of its dignity after the ‘Harvard Boys’ did Moscow, between lunch and dinner on a lazy day. In fact, they were actively transforming their own overblown military for entirely new challenges, ‘policing’ the world as they saw fit. Which is not to say they didn’t anticipate on a serious conflict with Russia as Putin proved to be a hard nut to crack, but not in a million years did they feel vulnerable. As I explained in previous contributions, supported by links to prove my point, NATO and Russia both embarked on their own trajectory after NATO responded to Putin’s warning by inviting both Georgia and Ukraine to come and join their cozy alliance, aimed at destroying the other. 


In NATO’s case it was not construed as a purely defensive move, unless you feel strongly that they truly were the legitimate *owners* of the world after the Soviet Union crumbled. ‘Globalist Rule’ for ever. Vulture Capitalists at the helm. That kind of thing. The path the Russians took was not to deny the NATO-countries their own, but Putin, as well as Xi Jinping, felt strongly that they needed to uphold their sovereign right to develop their own countries, and to reject ‘liberal democracy’, even though both countries insist, to this day, that they allow the people a say in how the country has to be ruled. I found THIS little gem on YouTube, where a man explains why ‘liberal democracy’ has to end in tyranny, and why it was wise of the ‘Founding Fathers’ to create a ‘Republic’ instead. And note that Putin, who helped to ‘write’ the Russian constitution in a former life, working for Saint-Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak, allowed himself to be inspired by their example. And it isn’t really surprising that the outcome favors his country, while we are sliding. But I’m getting ahead of myself.


As described on this blog, and well ahead of this war in Ukraine on the Dutch language part, NATO-countries approached their conflict with an ‘unruly’ Russian president as a challenge to their ability to ‘Regime Change’ a country, using a range of techniques, from provocations by the ‘Pussy Riot’-gang, and the ‘Navalny’-circus mass demonstrations in Moscow, bringing together odd disenchanted bedfellows, coached by western ‘intelligence’, with sanctions and other highly disagreeable acts, even kidnapping Russian citizens to throw them in jail in the US, and funding Muslim terrorists inside Russia. As none of that had any result, they upgraded to preparing Ukraine to be bait, and relaunching ‘Great Game’ tactics opposing Russia around the world as it tried to develop its own economy through trade with countries elsewhere. Ignoring the possibility that they would actually be challenged militarily, they designed the ‘conflict to end all conflicts’ between Ukraine and Russia, using the ‘Afghanistan’ blueprint which sank the Soviet Union towards the end of the Eighties of the previous century, after NATO’s hastily fielded proxy, the Poroshenko led and NATO advised part of Ukraine, prodded to engage in civil war with the Russian backed ‘rebels’ in the East, got its ass whipped in 2014. 


The general idea was to tease Russia into mounting an offensive, preferably to take all of Ukraine, so NATO could use the various Neonazi battalions it had been training in a similar fashion to how they used Al Qaida in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. While ‘Sanctions from Hell’ were sure to kill the weak Russian economy, which needed the gas and oil revenues from Europe. Right? Wrong. And like I wrote before, from what we’re seeing, it is crystal clear that Russia ‘came prepared’. Contrary to NATO, it anticipated on a military confrontation with NATO itself, through its proxy, or even a full blown fight, and in the years preceding the outbreak of war it already signaled that it was ready, still hoping feverishly that it would be sufficient to make NATO change its mind. Putin announcing various futuristic weapons years ahead of the SMO, which included various hypersonic weapons, extremely fast and powerful submerged ‘rockets’, nuclear powered cruise missiles, and state of the art fighters, failed to wake NATO planners from their stupor. 


As everything went horribly wrong for NATO, militarily and economically, and Russia didn’t collapse, while it failed to run out of missiles, ammo, soldiers or whatever NATO ‘intelligence agencies’ predicted they would run out of, while Putin was smart enough not to take all of Ukraine, NATO was lost. Scrambling to find an answer, as the ‘Ben Hodges’-type of ‘experts’ kept telling the public that Ukraine would regain control over Crimea any day now, NATO found itself looking into the abyss. ‘Industrial Warfare’, required in a ‘War of Attrition’, was way beyond their capacity. Even more so since they had to import nearly everything which required an industry, except movies, music and ‘Influencer BullShit’. European politician, and ‘wingman’ of Victoria Nuland in 2014 when she placed her coup in Ukraine, Guy Verhofstadt, could be seen foaming at the mouth in this entirely useless and incredibly wasteful, expensive ‘Europarliament’, because Russia is capable of producing three million shells for their artillery, and with capacity still growing, while all of NATO has extreme difficulty to provide Ukraine with one million shells from their own dwindling stocks. Sarcastically I wrote on ‘X’ that I couldn’t understand that he was still wasting valuable Euros and time spitting fire in this useless debating club in Straatsburg, while he could be taking shifts at Rheinmetal producing ammunition for his beloved ‘Azov’-battalion, or digging coal to fire the ovens, since his people blew up the ‘Northstream’ gas pipeline which gave Europe relatively clean and affordable natural gas from Russia. 


At the ‘WEF’ various attendees were talking out of the back of their heads from my perspective. This most certainly included Mrs Ursula von der Leyen, who stated certain ‘facts’ about the war which were most certainly not facts at all, since the competing explanation for what we are witnessing, as found on these pages, is a far better match. And then there was a lady from the USA, a Mrs Pritzker, who was advocating war with Russia, not knowing what she was calling for, I’m sure. These people are born in wealth, and looking for some excitement in their otherwise boring lives of ‘giving away money’ (to make more), and launching their family members into a corrupt political system, buying ‘influence’. Well, don’t take my word for it, but check out Whitney Webb’s extensively footnoted books about ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’, or read up on the adventurous life of Jeffrey Epstein. You really need to be asleep at the wheel if you feel these people are to be trusted under the circumstances. None of these people saw this coming, and they are nowhere near qualified to get us out of this mess they created. You can’t petition them to make them reverse course. They are pre-programmed drones, released by their operators, set on autopilot, and we urgently need to find a way to regain control over them to save them from blowing themselves to smithereens, together with everything we hold dear, if they don’t run out of fuel before that fateful moment. At the ‘WEF’ meeting they are actively trying to shield themselves from hearing anything but themselves, proposing to ‘Regain Trust’ through imposing censorship. I don’t know about you, but I’m too old for this shit, taking my instructions from bullshitters with no ‘Skin in the Game’. I’m returning to these inspiring ‘sixties’ posters, which said: ‘Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came?’ Wouldn’t that be wonderful? ‘Yes, I hear you dear! No go and see a shrink….’.Take a cup of cocoa to calm down. Do you own a mirror?

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