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Hey, Stupid, don't make it worse

In my previous contribution I referred to NATO as an organization with a policy. But that not everyone within the organization is aware of that policy, and that someone like Zelensky, hoping to receive the nod from NATO, never knew that his country was being used to lure the Russians into another ‘Afghanistan Experience’, so as to topple the government in Moscow, with Ukraine as bait. While there is no lack of people who see the same thing I’m seeing, others point out to me that I’m delusional, and that there never was any promise made by NATO not to expand. No treaty. Nothing in writing. 


But you have to be blind if you assume that NATO honors treaties. It doesn’t even respect the original treaty that gave birth to the organization, limiting itself to defensive military operations on both sides of the ‘Pond’, the North Atlantic, improvising as it grows, and reinventing itself as ‘Master of the Universe’. It is not bound by laws, or treaties, or words of honor. It doesn’t have an ‘address’, no firm leadership, nobody you can talk to. It became a ‘Blob’. Something without shape or purpose, growing by the grace of a lack of resistance. A parasite, set to kill the organism which it uses as food. It is not a healthy symbiosis, and the nations which gave birth to it are in the process of decay already. How on earth did we let that happen?


It is not the only head of this ‘Hydra’ we created. The Globalist ‘World Economic Forum’, the ‘European Commission’, and plenty of other commissioned, and informal (NGO) organizations, pushing and shoving us around, and feeding off taxpayer money, are very similar. No formal policy, no leader you can call, and only ‘Rules’ to guide it, which may change in any direction, morphing in the direction of remaining food to be had for it to grow. On my Dutch blog I recently paid some attention to a sixties video in which one Dan Smoot explains the difference between a ‘Constitutional Republic’, and a ‘Democracy’, and he is spot-on when he says that a ‘Democracymust end in tyranny and totalitarianism, as the majority sets out to destroy those who do not agree with it. The irony is, that a majority which claims to be about protecting qualified minorities through pushing for ‘Rules’ to create ‘Equality’, doesn’t contradict that observation, but enhances it. The ‘Blob’ is set to create ‘Grey Goo’, universal nothingness. Leaving behind an uncivilized planet, returned to its ‘Natural State’. Actually the desired outcome of many supporting those ‘Blob’-organizations I mentioned. ‘Restoring Nature’. Preferably by destroying works of art, deconstructing dams which control the flow of water, and any technical feature invented by man, while supporting war against any individual looking after himself, or any state led by an individual, or group of individuals, feeling responsible for the people in the country they lead, looking for ways to create wealth for the people. 


This is in no way an appeal to switch to a dictator to release us. On the contrary! Nor is it a call to act irresponsible with regard to the environment, or to ignore the limited supply of our resources. Quite the opposite, in fact. You can burn tons of fuel in an Abrams tank, fighting the ‘Evil Russians’, or you can put it in a cruise-ship and sail the Seven Seas in comfort, allowing the people on board to enjoy pristine parts of the world, while making sure you leave everything behind as you found it, or a little better through spending some money locally. We can optimize our use of resources through increasing the scale of production, lowering the over all costs, trading between nations without barriers. What globalism was about in its original form, before it transformed into a desire to ‘Rule the World’, and ‘Control Markets’ with ‘Mickey Mouse Money’, printed by the ‘Nobles of Finance’. 


You came across references to Carlo Cipolla’s ‘tongue in cheekbooklet on this blog before, where he states that the biggest threat to humanity is posed by the ‘Stupid’ people, as they are even more dangerous than the ‘Bandits’, because criminals act according to logic, and you can anticipate on their moves. And how ‘Stupid’ is not related to either ‘IQ’ or the level of education. I came across a description of how the US scrambled to absorb the high ‘IQ’, highly educated ‘geniuses’ in Germany and Japan after the Second World War who had been engaged in developing biological and chemical agents for warfare in Robert F. Kennedy’s new book, retracing the origins of this man-made covid virus which recently wrecked the economy and our health. You may think that was a very ‘Smart’ move to suck up these ‘geniuses’ and employ them on our side of the fence, but I disagree. I don’t think we should allow the ‘Blob’ to grow such weapons of mass destruction, less so without supervision by sane people. But how do you determine the sanity of any individual? Within the framework of Cipolla’s thinking, that would be the ‘Intelligent’ people, irrespective of ‘IQ’ or education, aiming for ‘Win-Win’ solutions, often compromises, but with agreements ‘Set in Stone’, and partners abiding by what they agreed to. Honorable, moral, incorruptible, responsible people, not playing games. An increasingly rare breed.


Each and every one of us, with only a few exceptions, will raise their hand if they are asked who feels strong enough to qualify as a sane human being. Because we all have ‘Good Intentions’. But having ‘Good Intentions’ suggests that you want to optimize the outcome of any transaction with any other person, to create a path towards the desired result. If you need to tell yourself that the other cannot be trusted, and therefore you are under no obligation to honor your word or signature, many people will do so without blinking. It is not their fault! The other party was clearly not reasonable, and of unsound mind, as he objected to destroying the dams to save the planet. What did you expect me to do?


Now, return to my previous contribution, and note that Putin tested his ‘friends’ in NATO to see if they could be trusted. Not only did they prove to him that they were either ‘Bandits’, or ’Stupid’, or a mix of those qualities within the formal leadership, but given the opportunity they are telling the world about their scheming, and how ’Smart’ they’d been. No, not ’Smart’. Utterly ’Stupid’, since they never noticed that Putin allowed them to lie to him, while building his ‘Big Stick’. The Chinese did the same. Now, where does this leave us, the NATO countries? We outsmarted ourselves. ‘Dumb-ass’. ’Stupid’. Don’t make it worse!


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