
Website voor mensen die niet klagen

An essay on a boxcar on the other platform

From a certain age, you notice that people start to ask you how you are doing, expecting an avalanche of complaints about physical inconveniences, and remarks about having trouble at keeping up to speed with developments. People of your own age are talking about their ailments, and they worry about losing their marbles. I know, because I've reached that certain age. I've been blessed with good health up till now, but without a doubt I'm 'weird' compared to most people around me these day, young and old. Because I insist that it is crucial to know what is true and prioritise correctly, while they don't care. Or, if they care, they hide it so as not to draw attention to themselves. For them it is sufficient to know that they do not stand out in a crowd in ways that may cause discomfort, unless this person they are rubbing the wrong way happens to be a 'truth seeker', because those idiots are fair game.


Now, before you get me wrong, I'm most certainly not implying that I'm always correct. Hardly. Instead I'm begging people to take another look, and not 'jump in' before acquainting themselves with the facts. Give it some time. Wait for the evidence. To be cautious, and question more. How do they know that? If someone is claiming that they know how the Climate will develop during our lifetime, and I look at the variables, like the impact of changes on the surface of the sun, and currents in the ocean, or 'Black Swan' events like volcanic eruptions, meteorites hitting the earth from outer space, wars, viruses killing all economic activity, I know immediately that they are way out of their league, selling us horse manure, and claiming it is solid gold. They may have some interesting observations, about depleting natural reserves, and more durable alternatives to commonly used products, but that is it. 


Somewhere in August I said goodbye to friends after the summer holidays, and in passing I said I was worried about this war in Ukraine. My friend looked at me as if I'd lost my marbles, and told me to stop worrying, because that war would be over in a month. Russia was clearly losing, and Putin would bite the dust, and that would be the end of it. My turn to look at him as if I was wondering if he'd lost his marbles. And when we met recently I wanted to know if he had come to his senses. In private, after dinner, we chatted about the war in Ukraine, and how it came about, and I soon discovered that he knew next to nothing about the history of the conflict, or what was at stake. He'd never even heard of Victoria Nuland. He was unaware of who this national hero of Ukraine, Stepan Bandera was. And I can go on and on about all the important aspects he'd missed. The only thing which had registered, was that Zelensky had 'Jewish Blood', therefore any claims about Neonazi's running the show in Ukraine were 'clearly' false. 


Yet he is University educated, he has a top-job, and a huge network spanning the globe in his field. Over the past couple of years we've been at odds over an increasingly wide range of topics, including topics at the core of his own expertise, which is economics. An area where I educated myself through reading a lot. He doesn't hide his rising concern over my mental condition, since my points of view are 'weird'. Not aligned with his, and the consensus derived from the newspaper we both read, and other 'Mainstream' sources which concur with this consensus. But each and every time my points of view and predictions prove to be better, more accurate. The war in Ukraine is still raging, and Russia is winning the war of attrition, but because his sources are telling him it was a war of conquest, he doesn't see what is happening right under his nose. 


On the television this morning, in a popular News-Show, they had this 'expert' working for an economic publication providing advise to private investors, and elected 'Stock-Exchange-Babe of the Year' in 2004/2005, the author of the bestseller 'Blonds are Better Investors'. I'm not kidding. For sale at a little under seventy Dollars, in Dutch only. The presenter asked her if she had seen this banking crisis and the weakness of Credit Suisse coming. And this 'expert' said 'No'. I raised my voice to the television screen in frustration, and my wife told me to calm down. No doubt she is worried about me as well. Yes, she is aware of the fact that I've predicted these things, and in some detail, and that we've profited handsomely, but she is also aware of the fact that 'normal' is defined as accepting the consensus, and being dumb-witted if everyone around you is dumb-witted. 


At some moment during my discussions with this friend about Ukraine, I told him that I feel like this stranger on the platform at a station crying 'foul', because on an adjacent platform people wearing yellow badges, not looking too happy, are being herded into boxcars, with uniformed, armed people in attendance. It doesn't look kosher to me at all. But people around me are insisting that I need to lower my voice, or others will think I've gone mad. These people on the other platform are going on a holiday, to nice resorts in places called  Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibór, in virtuous Poland, and I really shouldn't worry. Those people in uniform with those guns, representatives of the government, duly elected after a successful 'Regime Change' operation which began with a false flag fire in the 'Reichstag', were there to guarantee their safety. He was in shock.


He should be. I'm real scared these days because of the general apathy around me. Something is amiss. I read about villains who shot at protesters and the police at 'Maidan' to make this modern version of the 'Reichstag'-event come true. I just went through an 'event' with a deadly virus, with all of you, which is rumoured to be the product of a 'Gain-of-Function' experiment by some Mad Scientists in the USA, who next prompted us to take an experimental 'vaccine' that would make them rich, not duly tested, and they threatened those who refused on the basis of proper legal grounds, the outcome of the 'Nuremberg Trials'. And now people wonder where the excess deaths we're witnessing are coming from. And I learned about a prosecutor and a bunch of judges who issued an arrest warrant for Putin and a lady in his administration, on the grounds that Putin allowed thousands of orphans to be evacuated from the war zone. All of a sudden I'm actually discussing the wisdom of such a monstrous arrest warrant on 'Turcopolier', where there are actually people who support those legal buffs, because those children are supposedly the legal property of Zelensky and his team. This actor cannot provide for his own people, and allowed his country to be thrown under the bus in a failed attempt to 'Regime Change' Russia.


How did we end up here? Who trained all these 'experts' who insist setting the entire world ablaze, and drag humanity to the trenches, if they are not showering them with viruses, and using them as guinea pigs for unproven, untested Gene-therapy? Which otherworldly entity came up with this bright idea of taking orphaned children to a country buried in debt and rubble, without electricity, food or elementary care, which is the target of large scale missile attacks every other week, and the odd precision strike on selected targets at every day of the week? Where did they go to school? Who were their parents? Who pays their salaries? Or do they have to bring money to get to the top of the pyramid? Don't tell me please that they were selected on the merits of the colour of their skin, their 'identification' with a 'cool' gender invented recently, or some interesting sexual preference, or anything like that. 


Whenever I raise my voice it is out of frustration. If I would have brought the level of 'expertise' which is now common to my job, way back when, I would not have lasted ten minutes. How on earth can you accept an invitation as an 'expert' on 'Financial Markets', if you missed the buildup to this new 'banking crisis'? How is it possible that a 'military expert' doesn't recognise a 'War of Attrition' as being different from a 'War of Conquest'? How is it at all possible that judges at an 'International Criminal Court' insist that orphans should be kept in areas which are being shelled 24/7, or sent to a country which just lost the majority of its people as they fled to Europe, and well over two hundred thousand to enemy fire, in a war which could have been avoided if only the 'Collective West' would have honoured its signature, and lived up to promises made in the past. When are we getting serious about this 'Gain-of-Function' research, and 'vaccine business'? At which moment in time will 'Climate Scientists' admit that they cannot control the sun, and that they are unable to stop volcanic activity, or control the currents in the oceans? 


Take a good look at that boxcar, people! Now is the time to put a stop to all of this nonsense, and return to the surface of the earth. Or we are going to regret it. We simply can't afford all of this nonsense about 'Tik-Tok', and this wide array of 'BS' we are being fed as subjects to 'debate', for which there is no solution, or which are 'Out of the Ballpark' stupid as a topic. You cannot stay inside a burning house, staring at your bellybutton, asking yourself various unimportant questions related to its shape, and if that 'act of violence' is the reason why you failed as a parent, contemplating writing a book about it, which has to be a bestseller if you can earn a dime with a book about 'Blonds' and 'Investing' and find readers for such a masterpiece. Your charred remains will suggest to me that you were stark raving mad. It's not just truth, and facts. It is about setting the correct priorities first and foremost.

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