Blinken is out there selling defeat as some kind of victory. Because Ukraine hasn't been overwhelmed by the Russians, Putin has lost. That is his message, shortly before leaving the scene, likely remembered as the most ineffective secretary of state since the birth of the USA. Back to playing the guitar. He also admitted that the US had been sending a shitload of weapons to Ukraine way before 2022, in anticipation of the war which was assured to hit Ukraine, because NATO *wanted* that war. It *needed* that war. It was in the Rand Corp 2019 script, written as a plan to overextend and unbalance Russia from 'Advantageous Ground'.
Same as releasing HTS (Al Qaeda) to fight Russia in Syria. It was in the same plan. But that didn't work out as planned either. The Russians simply withdrew to their strongholds on the coast and transferred the troops to Ukraine, or to training facilities to train more men for the upcoming war with NATO-proper. Which formally already started, since NATO is firing missiles into Russia, previously listed as a Russian 'Red Line' by Russia itself. Which is different from all the 'Red Lines' NATO propagandists came up with to 'prove' that they were inconsequential. Again, a 'Red Line' doesn't imply that the use of nukes is next. In this case it implies 'Eyes on NATO'. NATO-countries involved, supporting that move, may suffer the consequences. Impossible to tell which consequences, or when.
Prior to the launch of the SMO I predicted a Russian victory, but that Russia very much preferred a civilised solution. This prediction of a Russian victory was not based on 'Hopium' infused wishful thinking, nor was it based on a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian forces, based on exclusive intel nobody else had. The basis of that conviction was that Putin got the confirmation that NATO was planning for war with Russia all the way back in 2008, as the alliance invited Ukraine and Georgia, shortly after Putin had warned that this would lead to war. By 2021, no doubt aware of the 2019 Rand Corp plan to shove Ukraine under the bus to overextend and unbalance Russia, and seeing all the weapons being sent to Ukraine, the Russians issued their 'final warning' in the form of crystal clear proposals to NATO so as to assure a lasting peace in Europe through negotiations, and NATO didn't even respond.
Studying Putin for years, I knew he was a smart guy, and didn't act on impulse. In other words, if he would be forced to go to war, he would come prepared. I read up on all the 'Wonder Weapons' Russia revealed in the years before 2022, including the hypersonic weapons, and some very capable fighter aircraft, as well as nuclear powered cruise missiles, and massive, extremely high speed torpedo's which were capable of blowing up an entire port, and cause a huge tsunami to flood the coastal area. Weapons Russia wouldn't need to fight Ukraine, but which *could* have deterred NATO. Anyhow, I was certain that Putin wouldn't take any unnecessary risks. Therefore I forecasted that Russia, if there would be a war, would refrain from taking all of Ukraine, and if the conflict was not settled soon after it became a very real shooting war, that Russia would limit itself to taking those areas it could control, which would be enough to create a landbridge into Southern Europe. The area also identified as 'Novorossiya' by the Russians themselves. Thus, Blinken is talking out of the back of his head, because the Russians are very close to achieving exactly that goal.
Non of that was about territory. It was strategic. It was about blocking NATO's aspirations to grow into being the sole military power on the face of the planet. Because of that, Putin has no problems with dealing with any other country on the same page. Which is why NATO releasing HTS in Syria, because their war in Ukraine went sideways, was another catastrophic mistake. The present leader of HTS is also a strategic thinker, and he wants Russia by his side. Putin couldn't be happier, and Europe/NATO sending Annalena Baerbock and her French counterpart to Damascus to instruct Julani about those pesky Russians crashed and burned. Which is not to say that Russia will stay. That is another matter. But it is up to them.
In previous contributions I've added a 'disclaimer' to my own predictions that some kind of 'Wonder Weapon' could be revealed, changing everything. Most military bloggers and vloggers maintain that no such weapon exists, save for nuclear weapons. I've objected to that notion because there could always be weapons we don't know about, or which we do not consider, like biochemical weapons, beyond the common use of phosphorus and teargas. Those who studied biological warfare, and Robert Kennedy did plenty of research related to that, writing about the origins of covid, object that you'll have difficulty to contain it. Apart from such an option, the appearance of the Oreshnik on the scene didn't go unnoticed. Hard to tell what the potential of that weapon is, with accounts saying it was merely a 'fireworks display' doing no harm, while others are saying that it wasted the entire, massive plant, or that it actually destroyed those parts deep down below the buildings on the surface, penetrating through massive layers of concrete. And yesterday I wrote about some vague report about a previously unseen weapon system, which seemed to disappear, and then reappear, striking with speeds of over 7.000 kilometers per hour. For real? Don't know.
But it does become weirder still, if you take a look at THIS video. It is about the mysteries surrounding that Cyber-Truck which exploded in front of the Trump hotel in Vegas. That was a bit of a 'Nothing-Burger', but the alleged culprit left a 'paper trail' which renders this entire act to be a real life 'Conspiracy', with spooky claims related to technology which only exists in Sci-Fi novels and movies. On top of a claim that the US engaged in wilfully killing civilians in Afghanistan in 2019, in which the 'prime suspect' participated as a 'Green Barret' Special Forces drone operator, looking for a way to reset his tormented conscience. I need to say 'prime suspect', because despite the dead body, and a convenient identification tag in the truck, the DNA extracted has not been identified to belong to him, apparently, so he may still be alive. It is confirmed that he went to great lengths to 'get his message out' before that car blew up. In those 'teaser e-mails' to selected high-profile military/intelligence vloggers and bloggers, he was warning about WW III being imminent, fought with weapons systems never revealed to the public, outside reports of 'UFO'-sightings.
The guy is legit, he is (or was?) a real person, and he was an active Green Barret, stationed in Europe, in Stuttgart, and there are pictures of him with a 'Slave Ukraine' shirt, suggesting that he was 'employed' in that theatre of war, not being a mercenary. But that's no surprise, is it? So, what are we to make of this story about Chinese drones powered by 'anti-gravity' power sources, launched from submarines? WTF?!?
That story dovetails with recent testimonies in Congres about the existence of 'UFO's', and an active program in the US to 'reverse engineer' exotic extraterrestrial technology. But that doesn't make it real. We might be dealing with some guys looking at a very favourable 'Book Deal' to augment their meagre earnings, conspiring to lie to Congres. Or it could be an elaborate scam to scare the bejesus out of Russia and China, although the revelation that China has this technology as well doesn't fit that narrative. And possibly the Russians are in possession of it too, either through China, or maybe these aliens visited them too? Or some 'hacker' found out?
The purpose of this essay is to underscore the possibility of surprises. Whether this comes in the form of HTS betraying the 'Masters of the Universe' at NATO; Putin not sticking to the script the Rand Corp prepared; an army much stronger, and better equipped, than 'intelligence agencies' stated beforehand; Oreshnik; some kind of alien technology already operational without our knowledge; or Zelensky having healing powers attributed to the Lord Himself, and few of His representatives on earth. Keep your eyes peeled, your ears tuned, and keep an open mind, but make sure your brain doesn't fall out!