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Priorities, dear Watson!

Vuhledar cannot be saved, and reportedly the Ukrainian units still present in Kursk are trapped. While Israel launched its ground offensive into Lebanon, which is bound to strain the production capacity of ammo within the 'NATO-sphere of influence' to breaking point. To point out that NATO and its proxy's are facing an uphill battle is met with fierce criticism from the 'cheerleaders', convinced that 'morale' will win every war, even if you are left with pitchforks and crossbows. 


After mentioning the existing fear in the US that Russia and China possess a revolutionary space based 'EMP' weapon system in my article yesterday, I just finished an article for the Dutch part of my blog about 'Deterrence', generally regarded as a life-saver during the 'Cold War' years. The drift of my comment, as reflected in the title, based on professional experience, is that safety, peace and quiet, are best served by observing the permanent instruction to refrain from doing stupid things. It is, by far, the most cost effective strategy. To prevent, instead of having to cure. Let individuals take risks, if they feel they can handle it, but stuff the government with boring people plugging holes all day long. Without providing them the opportunity to produce laws which dictate how you should live your life, and which safety features are required before you are allowed to move an arm or a leg, or how you are expected to propose making love. 


Especially in Europe, most certainly in Holland, new laws and regulations are published with every passing day, with associated publications stipulating how brand new instructions are meant to improve our lives, paying attention to every minute detail, and remote risk, while inviting Armageddon, turning a blind eye to blowing up our gas-infrastructure, and buying utterly wasteful provisions to improve our chances of winning wars. Those watching out for us will remove the engine and brakes from your car, to make room for 'safety features' designed to save you from drowning if you happen to drive your car into the nearby lake, and I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the first politician suggesting the requirement to install parachutes, so as to guarantee the safety of the driver and passengers in case you drive off a cliff. 


In my professional career, where safety was paramount, we taught people to avoid being distracted when the shit hit the fan. Somewhat akin to this common sense instruction to avoid 'texting' while driving, especially pretty common sense in dense traffic, or while proceeding at high speed along curved roads, despite the fact that Formula 1 drivers display their ability to do just that with every race. To increase tax revenues, politicians introduced a bill that puts a fine on 'texting' and driving at the same time. But what they should have done, is introduce a bill which threatens politicians with time in jail, or being sent to the front, if they allow themselves to be distracted from taking care of world peace. Yes, people do get hurt in accidents if they do stupid things, but getting caught in a war, or economic collapse, is worse. Priorities, dear Watson! 


Whenever I bring this up, in the context of how we are doing with our wars and economy, people look at me because they don't understand. How on earth is it possible that the fate of these poor precious wolves we reintroduced in our densely populated country does not keep me awake at night? What is wrong with me, when I tell them to make parents responsible for their own kids, and stop whining? Why am I not concerned about something Elon Musk is proclaiming on his account? Invariably they actually believe that none of the wars we are engaged in, or were, could have been avoided. I do not imply that we, the people, as individuals, should have done more, but that our leaders failed to protect us from harm, and that we should hold them accountable. Moreover, we should stop paying attention to all these bogus subjects they dangle in front of our noses, as they proceed to seek yet another war. Stop watching that documentary about the wars we lost since the end of the 'Cold War', and look at the ones ahead! 


The Dutch government which took over from long-serving prime minister Mark Rutte and his team, now promoted to lead NATO, announced it would give up on attempts to locate, and exfiltrate Afghans who served as translators during our fruitless war in that country, which only produced a massive increase in the production of heroin. The entire opposition is enraged. We're abandoning these good people, and their families! No. The politicians who allowed our military to participate in that war, and then suddenly pulled the plug to shift attention to Ukraine, abandoned them. Like we abandoned the Ukrainian people when we ignored Putin as he warned us that further NATO-expansion, breaching our word of honour, would lead to war. The destruction of Vuhledar is on our conscience, fools! Priorities, dear Watson! And by the looks of it, it will become much worse. But Rutte got what he wanted, this great job as secretary general of NATO, the biggest threat to peace and security in the entire world. Because we insist on electing demented people, clowns, and people with unrealistic ambitions, unaware of what war is about, to lead the way, instead of boring professionals eager to serve the country, and save human lives.

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