Yesterday I was wondering what Syrskyi had in mind, when he said it was time for another Ukrainian offensive. I think we can now safely conclude that the surprise attack by Salafists from the Idlib province towards Aleppo is part of that. Let's call it a 'Kursk-operation on Steroids'. The Collective West and Israel are supporting them, as they did in the past, and Ukraine has been active in Syria as well, befriending the terrorists. Each sponsor of these terrorist organisations has its own murky objectives.
Thrown in for good measure are the NATO-regime change operations in Georgia, Romania, Hungary and elsewhere, bundled with attacking Russia itself, no longer hiding behind Ukraine. It is still the same strategy though, trying to overextend and unbalance Russia, bring Putin down, and carve up the country in neat little pieces to serve the Unilateral Empire.
It is truly mind-boggling, how the Collective West manages to form a rainbow-coalition 'Of the Willing' at every turn, relying heavily on various groups of people not necessarily represented by a country, to fight and die for them. We all remember Al Qaeda back in the eighties, armed by the US, with the Saudi's picking up the tab, and providing Bin Laden and his ilk as its core. Same thing where both the US and Israel used Sunni terrorists in Iran, Iraq and Syria to do their bidding. With cynics offering that those doing the planning used them to scare us in the West as well, to make us accept 'Patriot Acts' and all the rest of it. Compare to Netanyahu openly supporting Hamas as a tool to shape and mould Israel and its immediate environment.
Openly NeoNazi far right extremists were recruited in Ukraine to topple the elected government in that country in 2014. 'Warmonger-in-Chief' John McCain allowed himself to be pictured with all of them, terrorists and Nazi's, without any repercussions. On the contrary! His wing-man Lindsey Graham openly told the Ukrainian Nazi's, in 2016, that he wanted them to die fighting the Russians, saving the lives of American soldiers, and securing the wealth of Ukraine and Russia for Wall-street-banks. You'd think they would lynch him on the spot, but instead they cheered and were proud to 'Die for the Cause', and ruin their country in the process.
Mesmerised young ladies are out on the streets in Georgia, demanding that their husbands, fathers and brothers are sent to the front to catch Oreshniks with their bare hands, as some French lady promoted to president of the country, a ceremonial position, serves them cookies. Previously the role fulfilled by Victoria Nuland, who got side-tracked. Truckloads of Dollars and Euro's are greasing the skids through various 'NGO's', which are everything *but* 'Non Governmental'.
Anyone saying that this can't be right, and that we are making a *huge* mistake, is labeled a 'Right Wing Extremist', even as the Nazi's, former and present, are given a standing ovation by heads of state on 'our' side of the fence. Putin declaring he wants to eradicate Nazism, reemerging everywhere, with monuments being built for those 'galant' fighters who gave their lives during the Second World War, in Canada, Estland, Lithuania, Finland and Ukraine.
The offensive in Syria, aided and abetted by NATO-countries and Israel, is cause for concern for Russia, which is destroying the last defense belts in Ukraine. With Hezbollah freed from the need to fight Israel for the moment, and with Iran and Iraq having a vested interest to make sur Syria is not turned into a Caliphate, there are options. In the past the Saudi's bankrolled these extremists, but with the Saudi's on the brink of sealing a deal with Iran, coached by China, it is not very likely that they will leave that lucrative market for a chance to serve the 'Great Satan' again, and kiss Trump's feet, with 60% of his cabinet being selected on the virtue of having a Jewish background, the rest of them being listed as 'Christian-Zionists' by many.
Erdogan is on the fence, as always. Formally his friendship with Israel is gone, and though still a member of NATO, and a huge number of Turkish people residing in European countries, he is keeping his options open and courting 'BRICS'. Now, 'BRICS' is not a political 'monochrome' entity set to achieve global dominance to a narrow elite, but closer to what the original version of the European Union used to be, a Trade Community. The member-states are not committed to support Russia, China, or Iran in their conflicts with NATO and its proxies. He has wiggle room, and dumping all those refugees from Syria, presently living in tented camps on the border on Syria again, is one of his campaign promises. And after he has sent them back, he won't be fooled into taking them back if the Syrians and Russians manage to regroup, and regain the initiative. Those people are going to end up in Europe, or being dead, I suppose. Used as props in NATO's geopolitical schemes.
My guess is, that if Syrskyi feels that this new front in Syria, and NATO now formally engaged through firing long range missiles at Russia, will provided his military with some breathing space, he may have miscalculated, again. As you know the jury on how we should interpret this 'Kursk-operation' is still out. I'm in the group which claims it must have been a plan to capture the Kursk NPP, which went sideways. Others feel it was a failed attempt to overextend the Russians, assuming they would have to draw forces from the front where they were advancing, which never materialised. Which inspires a third group which suggests it actually was a Russian trap to make Ukraine spread its forces thin and wide. Spreading Russian forces thin clearly is what this Aleppo-operation is intended to do as well. And on the side there are always those celebrating because of the 'PR-value', but they have no clue.
Though it has to be obvious to everyone by now that Russia kept China well informed from well before the 'SMO', possibly even planned every step with them, it is everyone's guess which 'Red Line' the Chinese will observe. To assume that they are preoccupied by a looming war over Taiwan seems pretty preposterous to me. They share the analysis of the Russians that NATO is hell bent on establishing this Unilateral Empire, crushing any and all attempts to rebuild a multipolar world under Law, instead of NATO's Rules. As such the Chinese cannot afford to let Russia go under. Russia won't be strategically defeated, without a nuclear war breaking out. But China won't let it come to that, if they can help it. But they are very reluctant to operate outside of their own borders. That would be a 'PR-victory' for the 'Collective West', as it would be used to make China look like the country with expansionist ambitions, in a similar manner as 'our' side managed the perception of Putin as the individual driven by Imperial Dreams, instead of the Unilateral Empire facing those 'BRICS'-states, and the demise of the PetroDollar.
We'll see how all of this pans out. And what will be left of humanity, and this unique habitable Blue Planet by the time cooler heads prevail, and find a way to restore the peace. If that happens.