Why did Biden grant Ukraine the right to use ATACMS, long range missiles? To prolong the war, and force Trump's hand, sacrificing the people of Ukraine, and their country. Same for Macron and Starmer. France and the UK thoroughly wrecked their relationship with Russia. If a deal would be struck today, ending the conflict, it would be easier for what will be left of Ukraine and Russia to find a way to get along, than for the UK and Russia, and France is not far behind the UK in this respect. My own country, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries, are in the same league as the UK and France.
Another 'face' in those countries will no longer be sufficient to recreate the trust needed to trade and deal with Putin, or his successor. And Biden doesn't give a rat's ass, if he is still capable of understanding the world around him. Trump has one shot to avoid sinking his country by severing ties between 'Washington' after he takes over, and the 'Warparty', and regain a level of standing in the 'New World Order', dominated by 'BRICS'. Not China. Not Russia. But a collective of 'Trading Partners', keeping their distance when it comes to 'internal affairs'. They have no formal centralised decision center, but a common interest.
As the European 'Single Market' developed, based on that very same concept of being 'Trading Partners', in which trust is key, but avoiding the trap of trying to create a political union, I was one of its biggest fans. The very moment they introduced 'European Elections' for a powerless, wasteful, corrupt 'European Parliament', I started campaigning to warn my countrymen, and Europeans elsewhere, that we were heading for a fall. Tensions within the 'Union' rose quickly, between 'North' and 'South', and between 'West' and 'East', way before Ukraine became an issue.
It is not difficult to understand why former Soviet and Warsaw Pact states wanted to join the European 'Single Market', and clearly the European countries *should* have expanded that 'Single Market' to include Russia, potentially even China and countries in Asia and the Middle East, even if it would have meant losing the UK and the US, losing the support of the 'Warparty'. It would have been a tremendous success, taking 'globalism' to the next level. But clearly that would have posed a threat to the whole 'Petrodollar' system, which has the 'City' in London's financial district as its slave. With, as the French would have it, 'Perfidious Albion' always on the lookout for a chance to restart its lost Empire, and 'Rule the Waves', and the World.
Allow me to remind you that prior to World War II, the British 'bankers' were paying for Germany's rise to power, with the British politicians signing secret, and open 'Peace in Our Time' treaties with Hitler, expecting the moustached Austrian would-be painter, vegetarian and dog lover, to go to war with the Soviet Union. And after that 'slug fest', the British would walk right in and add the remains of both countries to their Empire. Using Ukraine to fight Russia this time around is just a 'remake' of that same movie. Back in 1939 this plan exploded in their face, or so they thought, when the Soviets and the Germans concluded the Molotov-von Ribbentrop deal. The Germans, needing more time, lost their British partners in 'translation'. That is, the British clearly never mentioned to the Germans that they intended to use the 'Krauts' as a 'proxy force'. And Hitler was thinking 'partnership'.
The French were left out of it, very much like this time around, with the UK doing the heavy lifting in making sure a war between Ukraine and the Russians would break out, and that it was continued. Why Macron missed all the cues is beyond me. But here we are, and there we go. Now then, will Zelensky use this authority to fire these long range missiles at Russian targets, sealing the fate of his country? Or will he come to his senses, and avoid the annihilation of Ukraine as an autonomous, sovereign country, and the debt-enslavement of its remaining people? Time will tell.
Even proponents of providing Ukraine with missiles capable of reaching targets deep inside of Russia are admitting that it won't change the outcome of the war. The 'thinking' behind it, that the Russian people will revolt if targets inside the country are destroyed, is fiction. And hitting North Koreans getting ready to assist the Russians with 'Kursk' will only make things worse for Ukraine for sure, as that would legally liberate the North Koreans to fight on Ukrainian soil as well. There is still no proof of North Korean soldiers participating in the fighting, only hearsay. And those sources are remarkably unreliable. To ask if Zelensky is capable of coming to terms with reality is not a question for me to answer. Some pro-Ukrainian reporter wrote that he may be kept in a 'sauna' by people who are supposed to inform him, out of touch with reality. Not in the same sense as Biden, with plenty of mental fog, but with a similar result. To be the commander-in-chief of a country in the midst of a shooting war, and take a step back, like I suggested in my previous article, is not easy.
We're all people, and we make mistakes. Grave mistakes when we are led into the 'rabbit hole', with nothing but cheerleaders around us, convinced that anyone questioning our decisions is 'with the enemy', as George Bush jr would have put it. Did Bush make a mistake when he believed the 'Intel' on 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' in Iraq? No, I don't think so. And neither did Tony Blair. They knew full well it was a lie. But Zelensky doesn't strike me as someone entirely without a conscience. No doubt he hates Putin, but if you accept my narrative, for all the wrong reasons. Trusting these 'Nice People' from the EU and NATO was a grave mistake, and doubling down by firing those long range missiles is going to be his downfall, one way or the other. This war is lost.
Previously Putin said that if the NATO-countries allowed Ukraine to fire long range missiles they delivered and manned at Russian territory, Russia had no other choice than to accept that NATO declared war on his country. So far Putin has been a 'man of his word', even though those who hate the Russians, or Putin specifically, will go to great lengths to argue that he hasn't. But don't ask them to prove it, because they will stuff you with stories of his supposed 'intentions', and how 'we' were able to prevent him from reaching his goals. But that is all inside their own head. Same thing with drawing the conclusion that if 'we' are at war with Russia, the ICBM's ought to be released, or there was no 'Red Line'.
As it is, NATO and the EU will 'die' from 'a thousand cuts', rather than one massive nuclear strike. Unless 'our' side managed to harness 'alien technology', while 'the other' side doesn't have it, I do not see how 'we' could survive this conflict in one piece. And yes, I'm aware of the 'Hearings' in Congress about this specific subject, and how journalists and witnesses are coming forward to declare, under oath, that the US has the 'alien bodies', and access to magical 'zero-point energy', with the folks at 'Redacted' and elsewhere on the internet going ecstatic about all these secrets coming out. But I want to see it with my own eyes, and preferably in a peaceful demonstration, before believing. Call me 'old fashioned', but I've got lots of trouble to understand why 'we' would want hundreds of thousands of fine young men, on both sides, to perish in yet another war, and let Elon Musk struggle with building 'classic' rockets, while a female astronaut on ISS is at risk of dying, if we actually harness the technology to teleport to Mars and back. Or is this some kind of ugly test imposed on our alien friends to see who of us is ready to support war, and who is not, so as to save only those who are not eager to shove entire countries under the bus?
Forget about that last bit of 'exotic breaking news' emerging from Congress, and don't lose sight of reality as we know it. Those testimonies are real, no doubt about that, but so are those people dying in Ukraine, and our bleak future if those testimonies are merely a distraction, like those long range missiles. If I drew this parallel with that test about our ability to see a gorilla as we focus on the ball in my contribution yesterday, I would like to urge you to leave the ball on the pitch in this article. Leave earth without it, if you have to.