Joe Biden is about to leave the scene of the crime, and make room for Donald Trump. Using some obscure rule Biden apparently stuffed the White House with staffers loyal to the 'Warparty' on long term contracts, and this is hardly the only thing the outgoing administration did to frustrate Trump's second four year period in office. On the other hand, by the looks of it, Trump spoiled Biden's Middle Eastern play by forcing the 'Democrat', and the Israeli's, into a last-moment cease fire deal.
Clearly I do not possess any 'inside' information about what went down, and who does? But I can see why Trump posting a video which featured Jeffrey Sachs, blasting Netanyahu for being a 'dark son of a b.tch', and spoiling the good standing of the US in the Middle-East, struck a raw nerve in Israël, and in the Biden 'White House'. With Trump's administration 'fully loaded' with zionists, everybody expected the 'Orange Man' to kiss Netanyahu's backside, trying to outdo Biden, which would be pretty difficult. Biden never refused the Israeli's anything in their rage, letting them destroy Gaza beyond recognition, and killing thousands upon thousands, women and children included, with highly visible war crimes to boot, invading Lebanon and Syria, while continuing the 'cleansing' of the 'Westbank' to make room for Jewish settlers. That video with Sachs must have been quite a shock. Not the video itself, but Trump presenting it on his own pages.
Rubio, meanwhile, is already saying that the Ukrainians can't expect to win this war with Russia, and will have to be 'reasonable' in negotiations. The Russians are clearly communicating that they don't see the point in talks with Ukraine, or Europe. There cannot be any deal without a signed and sealed treaty involving the US which says that Ukraine is not going to be part of NATO, end of story. And obviously, the Russians will settle for NATO being dissolved altogether, and no foreign troops in Ukraine. Odd though that may sound, but that looks like the only possible solution from where I'm standing. Trump finding a reason to scrap NATO, which shouldn't be too hard, really.
Like the Jeffrey Sachs 'surprise', which seemingly worked flawlessly to make Netanyahu shit his pants, since without US support, Israel is doomed if it insists on growing bigger, and create that dream of a 'Greater Israel', pulling the plug on NATO has not been seriously considered by the Europeans. They were not the instigators of this Rand Corp plan to topple Russia through overextending and unbalancing it, using Ukraine as a pawn, but were quick to convert. It did suck Sweden and Finland into NATO's orbit, which countries thereby revealed themselves as wolves in sheep's clothing from a Russian point of view, and withdrawing NATO's umbrella will be quite a shock for them in particular. But if Trump wants to stop this war, there really is no other way.
The European NATO countries have no way to take on Russia. Not now, nor in the foreseeable future. Clearly pulling the US out of NATO is not only going to shock the European member states, but no way the 'Warparty' is going to sign off on that without a fight. Over time though, the American voters are not unlikely to come and see it as a smart move to 'Make America Great Again', even if they never voted for Trump. Meanwhile Trump only needs to be clear about having no intention to rescue the European nations if they insist on keeping 'Project Ukraine' alive. Representatives in the US will have to start finding excuses for keeping NATO fed and warm. Not an easy task, I'd say. Less so since many Americans who've visited Europe know that much of the US is starting to look like a backwater compared to what the richer European countries have to offer. Why invest all that money in keeping Europe safe? That was the original argument Trump gave during his first term.
The European countries don't want to lose 'Uncle Sam's' protection, but with the European economy sliding as a result of the sanctions, and more bad news around the corner, elevating the spending on things that say 'BOOM!' won't be all that popular among the voters. 'We need to help Ukraine!' did okay these past three years, but the country is losing badly, and already out of men and equipement, with Russia doing fine on both fronts, outproducing all of NATO's yearly output on weapons and ammo every three months, now even acknowledged by Rutte. Moreover, typical Ukrainian nationalist are pushing back against more outside interference, which now includes a plan to let foreigners select Ukrainian judges, to fight the massive corruption in the country. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want the unelected EU-commissars, or something similar from within the UN decide on that in my own country either.
The bulk of those European countries do not have anything resembling a military industry. France and Sweden do have a defence industry, and multiple countries are producing 'niche' products. The UK is a rust-belt. Trump will happily sell them all the weapons they want, but as long as he makes it crystal clear that he is not going to war with Russia, no matter what happens, since he is of the opinion that NATO 'mismanaged' this conflict from the 'get go', in 2008, the European countries will be left 'lost in translation', unable to get their act together. With an 'Ugly Deal' for Ukraine as the only possible outcome, sold to the people by the media as 'Trump lost the war!'. But he didn't, because it wasn't his war. Compare to how he decided to withdraw American forces from Syria during his first term, happy to let the Russians clean up that mess, while declaring: 'But we'll keep the oil!' In Ukraine it is even easier, because the country just lost all its valuable real-estate to the Russians, where all the minerals are, and the rest is a sinkhole, from the US perspective. Grain, but the US has plenty of that. And why dump untold fortunes in trying to civilise the country?
Like everybody else who is trying to predict how Trump will handle this 'Train wreck' Joe Biden left him, I'm only speculating, and I readily admit that I could be completely wrong. Still, this analysis is based on what I'm seeing, and not on what I'm praying for, or what my 'publisher' wants me to say, or anybody else. Please read THIS article written by Lee Slusher to educate yourself on why Europe and NATO are 'behind the curve' already, and why they will need a daring new approach to survive. More of the same is not going to save the day.