
Website voor mensen die niet klagen

An essay on not coming around

Stuck in the mud. When did we run out of ideas? Innovation invariably kicks off with an avant garde. In rare cases a single individual with a mesmerizing, entirely different approach. In 1986 the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk wrote a novel, ‘Der Zauberbaum’, in which he traced the origins of psychoanalysis to certain ‘circles’ in France around 1785, under the influence of a mesmerizing figure, attracting attention in circles of influential ‘society figures’. Yet, it is a novel, a story. And one prominent politician and intellectual in the Netherlands, Frits Bolkestein, debating Sloterdijk ‘way back when’, accused him of not being an ‘original thinker’ at all, but an individual rehashing narratives of others. With Bolkestein accepting a post in the unelected ‘European Commission’, when it was not yet fully ‘Borg’, owned by the ‘WEF’/Corporate world, but making inroads.


We’ve probably all been there. Excited about a new idea, ready to become a soldier in the army of the avant garde, to shape the world in some novel way, and then our parents, our teachers, some old fart at the bar, points out that it has been tried before, and it was a disaster. We tried feudalism, we tried fascism, we tried communism, we tried a range of religions, and none of it delivered on its promises. Rehashing the lot, and promoting it as ‘Unipolarity’, turning a blind eye to the strange bedfellows, has run its course, but those who sold their soul to the Devil are still running with it, trying to make it ‘work’. It won’t work, because it can’t. In fact, this rehashed form is a mixture of all the worst things in any of these previous attempts, while hoping it will give birth to a miracle. 


I’m a sucker for this idea of a ‘Free Market’, with a solid set of common rules, within any given country, to intercept the truly dangerous individuals, who are not just busy to destroy themselves, but others too, or others exclusively. This concept will not deliver us from suffering and hardship, as people will do stupid things, and suffer the consequences. The concept does not protect them. It will, if the common rules are decent, and society is able to afford it, protect the children, and a limited group of people with mental or physical disabilities. But adults can go ahead, and kill themselves, or their chances to live a happy life, while respecting the common rules set by society as a whole. No law against ‘Snowflakes’, and if you, as an individual, manage to find a sponsor who is stupid enough to encourage you to stay dependent, then that is your chosen path. But do not rely on the tax-payer to come and save your sorry ass if everything goes *south*. If this friendly sponsor turns out to be a ‘misaligned’ person expecting something in return which is abhorrent. You’re an adult now…..


Searching for happiness I’ve done some pretty stupid things myself, learned from it, and moved on. I did not bury those mistakes, and took responsibility for it. In fact, the ‘tall tales’ they generated are a valuable source in debates with others, and they can be fun when recollecting them in pleasant company, when it didn’t ruin your entire life. ‘Look at me! I can’t believe I was wearing these!’Wow! That was a close call, remember?’What was I thinking?!


Entire groups ‘merge’ to become avant garde, offering ‘solutions’. And while some do not let go, others move on as they discover it won’t work. Countries develop in a certain direction, which appears to be a good idea, until a ‘downside’ wipes away all the splendid things envisioned. Or the source of income evaporates, because of exhausted wells, like in the Netherlands, which used to have lots of natural gas, and now it is all gone, with only claims from people, who suffered considerable damage from earthquakes which were the result of overproduction towards the end, chasing income for the government, which wanted to be able to subsidize the voters, since being a ‘Sugar Daddy’ bought power. With this source of wealth gone, the government is now eyeing the pension funds and private wealth as a source of income for themselves, to spoil the ‘Snowflake’-generation until they are braindead, and buy more weapons for Ukraine, to fight Russia. You do not even need to be real smart to understand that these ‘Rent-Seeking’ schemes are finite, and that the deluge that will follow on the heels of failure is going to be particularly nasty. 


The amount of money in the collective pension funds in the Netherlands is mind boggling. The Dutch, a little over seventeen million of them, including the ‘late arrivals’, saved 1500 billion Euros to cover for their retirement. All of this money is ‘floating around’, with various money-managers earning a pretty penny from controlling it on behalf of the savers, who are entitled. I’m one of them. I cannot claim my share and move it out of harms way. So, if the government is moving to destroy all wealth by destroying the Dollar and Euro, through imposing sanctions on Russia, and when money-managers, acting according to instructions of Central Bankers, ‘investing’ in Dollar and Euro denominated debt, while a three year old can see that is utterly stupid, since the sanctions-war and attempts to cut the ‘Collective West’ loose from the sources of mineral wealth, and wealth production will kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs, I’m screwed. More so if the government is burning all this money borrowed from me in Ukraine, the latest of a range of senseless, utterly stupid wars. 


The parasite class, changing ‘Victory Day’ as it used to be known, to commemorate the end of the Second World War in Europe, since Nazi Germany laid down its arms on that day, into ‘Europe Day’, to commemorate the birth of a parasitic, war minded, expansionist Hegemon born out of this fascist ideology as a Fenix rising from its ashes, is on a roll. If I see them zooming in on my retirement money, every penny of it paid by myself, and my former employer, according to a contract with the company I worked for, as well as a ‘social contract’ with society through applicable laws, I’m reminded of what happened to Russian assets and savings within reach of this same ‘Rent Seeking Class’, killing legally binding contracts all the time, without blinking, or without a popular mandate. And I know that joining them as cheerleaders for this thoroughly stupid war, will eventually leave me penniless. Every last Euro will be ‘invested’ in Dollar- or Euro-denominated debt, in order to buy more weapons for Ukraine, and other reckless undertakings, without a chance of any revenues, or even ‘social dividend’, propping up ‘friends’ and family, or ‘compensating’ people they pushed over the edge, and then the whole fraude will blow up in our faces. 


Some truly paranoid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ are claiming Russia and China are in on it, but that is not what I’m seeing. This really is ‘us’ being blind and stupid, easily ‘nudged’ into war, and signing away on ‘investments’ which we can’t afford, printing or lending the money needed, unaware that we are the ‘guarantors’, with all our savings and assets on the line. Call me ‘selfish’, but once this house of cards, this ‘Final Bubble’, is blown up, we’re of no use to Ukraine, or any of these ‘Great Causes’, since we need to scramble to stay afloat from one day to the next. Wave your blue and yellow flag, and kiss the picture of Zelensky twice a day. Dump billions in ‘Climate Conferences’. Vow to ‘Regime Change’ even more countries at our expense, including those with democratically elected governments you don’t like. Let them force you to dump appliances and cars which are still in good working order, to harass Putin. Beg them to save your ‘Snowflake’ children from the burden of having to live with a gender they came to hate, after listening to their teachers, who used to teach them math and language skills in the past. And by the time you receive the invoice, you’ll not know what hit you. But you could have known, and you should have know. A pesky Scot who lived from 1723 till 1790 wrote this easy to read book on how to grow the ‘Wealth of Nations’, and by extension how to destroy it. Should have been in the curriculum, together with Ayn Rand’s novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’, with some guidance for the truly slow learners. Together with some history lessons on how this truly stupid ‘Great Game’ the Brits designed in the nineteenth century is tearing the concept, of a ‘Free Market’ and sovereign nations, apart at the seams. How it already led to two World Wars in the last century, and how we are about to top it off with a Third in a little over one hundred years, to make sure our children have no future whatsoever. 


Don’t expect me to ‘come around’. But enjoy yourselves, for as long as it takes for you to understand you’ve been had. Just saying. Do the math. It doesn’t add up what they are telling you. Something isn’t right. And there is a lot more to it, but if they say you will own nothing, and be happy, they are not fooling around. They have ways to take everything from you, while you encourage them. Stupid, yes. But it is not they who are stupid. They are plain criminal. Or plain lazy. And one more warning: Don’t give them an excuse to release the cyborgs because you are a mortal danger to them. Spread the word. Wake up the ‘Snowflakes’. Train the dog to watch your six. Drop the diet of fake news and entertainment. There are some fine people in politics, and in positions where they can make a difference, struggling. Back them up, even if they are ‘considered’ ‘Leftwing’, or ‘Rightwing’, and you can’t bring yourself to telling yourself, let alone others, that: ‘Hey! They say things I actually agree with! A lot!’ Kick it! 

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